This course started off with confusion, as to what was expected, leading into an onslaught of information through posts and bookmarks. I settled down through the middle of the course but was still unable to devote ample time to the demanding expectations and thus spiralling into a heap of staleness. I did take immense learning from this course although on the sidelines for most of it. I could make good use of a course on time management. I think my biggest problem was not having confidence in myself or the content to actually participate within the circle of the network. I would choose my spots adding comments only when I was confident in my answer.
I was very impressed with the overall structure and concept of an open on line course and think I may pursue others in the future, using the connected knowledge framework as a field to practise my communication skills.
Thanks for a great 3 month experience!
I enjoyed your honest comments. I had a similar experience. I found I couldn't connect --couldnt find anyone - people got lost in the many avenues of connection. I stuck to the Google group and the Diigo for posting. Maybe the point of the course was just to find our comfort zone? I don't think anyone followed each others' blogs too well. I had one comment after my final presentation film. I don't know where the circle of the network even was. It didnt fit with my active hands-on life of an artist and painter. Just seemed to be a few leaders that were tekkies. Well I made an art film for tekkies and they loved it - too funny. Would you detail what you think the "connected knowledge framework" is? Thanks. Grace