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Friday, 10 February 2012

Week 2: Networked Learning cck12

I, like most, find it very difficult to participate to my full potential in a program such as this.  There is so much material to read and understand.  I am a little behind but bear with me.  I am going to attempt to describe networks and how it pertains to learning.

A network is a collection of entities all sharing information amongst each other.  These entities connect to, share and rearrange data to develop learning patterns.  The brains' neural network connects by way of signals to control the human functions. 

A social learning network is nothing new, we've all experienced it throughout our lives.  As our social network grows, so does the information within the network.  All the values, beliefs and moral en sowed in each and everyone of us, is in direct correlation to our friends and family networks we developed at a young age.

In an open on line course, there is no authoritative figure telling you what to learn.  Instead, each learner is apart of an network of information.  The learners choose their own path to follow, so to speak, deciding what, how and how much to participate.  The learning network is only as strong as the participants within the network.

Just a quick stab at it. 

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