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Friday, 14 October 2011

Very First

This is my very first blog.  If I wasn't asked by my school curriculm to create a blog spot I probably would never have started my very first blog.  Now that I have started what do I write abouit?  I have tried a few times but each one was dismissed.  The very idea of publishing your thoughts for others to read and critic is kind of strange to me.  Why would anyone want to read my rants or raves?  Then I thought about it critically and came up with "who cares".  I can put anything I want here, maybe get out some fustrations from the day or write about some great personal happening or maybe personal goals and dreams.  Now I am excited to be apart of this blogging enterprise.  Thanks Ben for pushing us to try the 'Green Eggs and Ham'



  1. Welcome to the worldwide club of bloggers. Since Blogger allows to create more than one blog, I happen to have a special private blog for my rants, whines etc.

  2. Looking forward to seeing the outcome of the green eggs and ham experiment! :)
